September 24, 2023

Strike Fighters 2: F-15A Eagle (Gameplay and Download)

F-15A Eagle: Add-on fighter jet for Strike Fighters 2
F-15A Eagle: Add-on fighter jet for Strike Fighters 2
One of the many games I discovered when I came back to flight simulation was Strike Fighters 2 by Thirdwire. For me it's a perfect simulation game in terms of balance. Does not require a NASA built PC to run, it's not so complicated to learn and yet not too arcade to play.

Besides being a pretty old game, it still holds a decent number of fans around the globe and, the best of all a dedicated community of that improves the game in many ways keeping the game very alive despite the years and the huge competitions of more modern a realistic flight simulator out there.

Here I'm testing one Add-On created by the Strike Fighters 2 community: The F-15A Eagle, one of my favorite combat jets. Since I set the game on random time, I got to fly one of the hardest kinds of mission: the night fly. A really good setting to test this beast of a jet.

Download the F-15A Eagle for Strike Fighters 2

Since this add-on it's a community created one, it's totally free to install and use. It's available on the flight simulation community forum CombatAce, one of the best community-based sites for everything flight simulation and flight simulation modding:

F-15 A/B/C/D Baz Super Pack (Version 1.11)

September 19, 2023

Jetfighter III: Full playthrough and download


Jetfighter III: Full playthrough and download
Jetfighter III: Full playthrough and download
The third installment of one of my favorite combat flight simulation sagas of all time: Jetfighter III. Back in the nineties I managed to find the original box and installations disk of the game. Unfortunately, at the time I didn't have a "powerful" enough PC to run it which made me to abandon my adventures on flight simulators for many years.

Now, many years later, with a PC still not "powerful" enough to run the most modern sims but "powerful" enough to run the classics, I had the chance to properly play this game.

Jetfighter III: Full playthrough

Here is the video playthrough of the game. It's a Youtube video playlist of The Jetfighter's channel, to which you are all cordially invited to subscribe.

Download Jetfighter III

This game is now and abandonware software. You can download a full installation disk image of it from MyAbandonware website. Also, in order to install and run the game on modern PCs you will need to install and configure a MSDOS emulator like DOSBox

Note: If you like this game, blog or videos please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me on Instagram, TikTok or Facebook for more flight simulation game plays and stuff.